School Shootings – Facts, Fallacies, Freedom and the Future: AFA’s Upcoming Conference
One of the premier activities of the American Freedom Alliance is the hosting of conferences on topics that relate to the loss or imperilment of our freedoms. Recent ones have included the rise of Islam in the West, the dangers facing California, the Left’s crushing of free speech, radical environmentalism, and our failing schools, among many others. Each of these relates to some major encroachment on our freedoms. We are particularly interested in issues concealed by the media, and we have illuminated the realities of these topics, and also offer actions that our attendees can take to help mitigate or put a halt to the damage.
Our “School Shootings” conference is, in its own way, no different.
The recent school shootings have galvanized the Left into a highly-organized, well-funded and widespread attack on the Second Amendment. Not only is the coalition behind these attacks exploiting children and their desire to “make a difference,” but these efforts are doing very real harm to our rights and to our ability to protect ourselves (and the very children the Left purports to protect). In particular, these are attacks on our freedoms, and leave all of us, including these children, more vulnerable to those who wish to do harm.
In addition, the red herring of “MORE GUN CONTROL” ignores other contributing factors to these attacks and thus not only leaves kids – and us – more vulnerable, but it doesn’t solve the issues that underlie the attacks in the first place. And, most importantly, leaving these issues unaddressed also contributes to a loss of freedoms in ways that this conference will explore.
Join AFA’s “School Shooting”conference and hear from experts about the more effective ways we can address these events while also preserving our freedoms.
Buy your tickets to this important event here.