Three Key Steps to Restoring American Education

 In Education

Three Key Steps to Restoring Education

Restoring education is a key element of Making America Great Again. We are seeing the consequences of the undermining of the nation through decades-long exploitation and subversion of education, so it is obvious that reversing this subversion is in our best interest.

Generally speaking, we believe that education as a social institution has four purposes.

  • Giving our children an education – this seems tautological but the past decades where this hasn’t been the case require us to make this point overtly.
  • It is through education that we pass along the culture, that set of norms, values, accomplishments, perspectives that define the society we live in.
  • It is also through education that we foster the best and brightest who will create, build, invent – in short, those who will be the engine that drives the most productive and innovative economy on the planet.
  • Finally, education provides a key cornerstone of national security, as it is through imbuing our youth with an appreciation for what we have and that we create a cohesive nation.

It has become increasingly clear that our educational institutions have none of these as part of their mission.  Instead, there has been an exploitation of these institutions for creating compliant pawns, for crafting a means of centralizing control for easy government overreach, and to bring each child, and therefore each successive generation, and therefore each of us, under the power of the State. There has been vehement, emphatic secularism, atomization, shame of oneself and one’s country, fracturing of family and community, as well as a rejection of standards, mores and God, a rejection of self-agency and an embrace of victimhood.  These destroy the soul, the identity, the family and the community, and thereby, in addition, create a threat to our national security.


Education in America has been undermined through three major lines of attack, and each must be neutralized if we are to restore the institution to what a self-governing nation requires.


The Department of Education

This unconstitutional institution was created with the purpose of consolidating power over this all-important aspect of our culture and national security, preventing local and state decision-makers from doing right by the children in their purview and imposing an anti-American agenda with an iron fist and chain-like purse-strings.

It should be dissolved for these reasons:

  • It is, as noted, extra-constitutional. The Constitution does not include education under the purview of the federal government, so nationalizing any aspect of education belies our founding document.
  • The Department of Education, as a hostage to the administrative state, is a behemoth of bloat, ineffectual at best and corrupt at worst, and runs amok without any accountability. As one of countless examples of its waste, despite its expenditures per student doubling since the Departments inception in1979, scores have seen no improvement.
  • The Department of Education does not and never did have the benefit of the children as its focus, and nor will it ever. The data regarding our going form 1st

Teachers’ Unions

Dissolving the Department of Education, however, is not sufficient for restoring education to its fundamental purposes. 

Rebecca Friedrich contends in her book Standing Up to Goliath that the teachers’ unions are at the root of the problem with our education system.  The National Education Association and the American Federation of Teachers – the two largest nationwide such unions – have as their purpose the advancement of Leftist, “progressive,” socialist ideals and policies including the hyper-sexualization of children, the weakening of families, the fomenting of an ethos of victimhood.  The Supreme Court’s 2018 decision in Janus v. AFSCME broke the Union’s stranglehold on teachers, eliminating the requirement for all teachers to join and pay dues to unions.

But Janus doesn’t go nearly far enough.  We might also consider prohibiting them from political action, as are 501(c)(3) organizations, thereby removing some of their political potency and, of course, attractiveness to power-mongers.

Friedrichs recommends that we “defeat” the teachers’ unions by filling local school board positions with anti-union, pro-children, pro-education members. That is, disempower the unions through local political action.  Removing the power of the unions is an imperative to re-focus education, however it is done.

UNESCO/Globalist Forces

There is a third major step that must be taken to revert control over education to where it rightfully lies – with the parents and the communities themselves.  Neither the unions nor the Department of Education is actually the engine behind the cunning drafting of a system designed, in the long-run, for totalitarian control.  The Department of Education and the unions operate jointly with UNESCO, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization,  a specialized agency of the UN whose aim is to “promote world peace and security through international cooperation in education, arts, sciences and culture.”   Their latest conference, the “UNESCO World Conference on Education for Sustainability Goals” held in Berlin had as its focus Education, and it culminated in the  “Berlin Declaration on Education for Sustainability Goals to which The United States under the “Joe Biden Presidency” is a signatory.  We must remove ourselves from this declaration as well as the entire enterprise with all haste as the globalist intents of UNESCO are inimical to making America Great. President Trump acknowledged this when he withdrew us from it in 2017, and must do so again.

With the undertaking of these three actions, we can begin to restore education to its original purposes.

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