Another Blow to the Foundations of our Nation

 In Lawfare, Western Civilization

This appeared as an email, May 31, 2024

World War III – on the Home Front


What just happened in a Stalinesque courtroom in Manhattan is most assuredly a key element in World War III, the takedown of these United States via “unrestricted warfare,” a tactic described by the Chinese and used to all-too-great effect by Leftists generally.

Unrestricted warfare refers to any and all strategies used to undermine, subvert, even conquer an enemy, and the take-down of our judiciary as well as kneecapping the strongest adversary of Leftism, Donald Trump is of course a main part of that. “Decapitation” of the dominant pro-America voice is their goal, and that is exactly what we’re seeing, effected via Lawfare.

We who pay attention are aware that the entire process of the trial was extra-legal to the point of absurdity, and it’s the obviousness of the absurdity that had many of us thinking that “surely, they can’t actually convict him.”

The very in-our-face-ness of every single aspect of the trial, the utter perversion of the justice system, made it virtually possibly to accept, in our minds and our hearts, that this guilty verdict was the only possible outcome.

And yet, it’s the very obviousness of the absurdity that is a key element of the entire hijacking of the American mind.


The obviousness of how COVID was not the apocalyptically lethal virus it was made out to be – and yet, they kept us locked down

The obviousness of how ridiculous arrows in supermarket aisles were – and yet, people obeyed them

The obviousness of how men can’t be women – and yet, we are required to say words that we know to not be true, and to act in accordance with the lie in such a way that it puts our girls in physical danger and in disadvantageous positions in their athletic pursuits

The obviousness of the absurdity of Joe Biden, campaigning from his basement, getting 81 million votes, more even than the “historic” President Obama – and yet, here we are, almost 4 years into a surreal farce of an administration

The obviousness of the absurdity of being required to wear masks even outside – and yet, we STILL are seeing people whose brains have been broken by the Chicken-Little narrative

The obviousness of the outrageous flooding of our nation with fighting-aged males who have no documentation whatsoever and who are being sent, at our expense, to cities across the nation – and yet, there is no effort made to secure the border, to vet those coming in, or to track them – in fact, arguments are made in support of this influx.

The obviousness of how despicable it is to promote permanent mutilation and likely sterilization of children in a manner of Munchausen-by-proxy and the promotion and exploitation of body dysmorphia – and yet, to argue against such abuse draws hate and rage.

It’s not just that these bad things are being done, in other words. The obviousness of it all is a feature, not a bug, of these “policies” and narratives, and it plays an outsized role in the deranging of the American mind, and thereby the fracturing of the American nation.

Given all that, the obviousness of the sweeping and anti-legitimate, anti-justice, anti-law-and-order nature of the political persecution of Donald Trump is in no way an argument for why “someone, somewhere” will keep the worst from happening. Rather, it is, in fact, part of the entire destruction of our judiciary, and undermines our expectation of legitimate law and order. And it meant that the outcome was never, in any way, in doubt.

Add to this the gleeful rejoicing by the Left of what happened, and their painting it in righteous satisfaction of “justice was served!” is just another part of the deranging and gas lighting.

The breaking of this country, though – and make no mistake, that is what this is – will be detrimental to every American – except a handful of string-pulling elites. But there ought not be a single person, not one person in public view, not our friends, family, neighbors, co-workers, not ONE person should be rejoicing over what happened. It’s not about Trump, it’s about Justice; it’s not about “holding one man accountable,” it’s about using our justice system to take down a political rival. It’s not about making sure Bad Orange Man gets taken down, it’s been about stomping on rules, precedents, norms, laws, in service of ensuring that the strongest voice for America and the American people be silenced and sidelined.

And there is not one person who should rejoice in the destruction of our legal system and in the exploiting and breaking of it in service of political ends.

If you’ve been feeling sick about this, that’s by design.

But another aspect of this warfare, this “by any means necessary” tactic, is to demoralize you, to get you to find a way out, do something easier, throw in the towel.

What has just happened has revealed how they will stop at nothing in their aim to destroy.

We, too, must be equally determined to protect and defend this great nation.

This is World War III, fought on the Homefront, and we don’t get to walk away.

This nation was born of miracles, yes, but also of fierce determination of great men who chose to sacrifice everything to create this marvelous, most astounding experiment of a nation ever formed. I have heard it said that when we pray for courage, God doesn’t imbue us with some magical new attribute but gives us opportunities to be courageous. When we pray for patience, God grants us opportunities to become more patient. In the same vein, I would offer this: When we hope and pray for our nation, for its being saved, I suggest that what He is doing is giving us the opportunity to stand up for this nation, to find ways to save it.

We’re glad you’re standing with us in this existential pursuit.



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