From Burqas to Muzzles: Respect for Women?
Philippe Karsenty is best known for his legal entanglements resulting from his standing up to the France 2 TV Channel when they reported (and continued to report) a hoax story about Mohamed al Dura. A committed truth-teller, Karsenty was one of the speakers at AFA’s August 21st conference, “Islam and Western Civilization: Can they coexist?” The al Dura story is but one of countless instances in Europe where the truth is literally considered a crime in the face of deliberate media and political propagandizing in support of Islam.
One of the more egregiously false narratives regarding Islam is that it is out of respect for their women that they be “covered.”
How, then to explain this breathtakingly shocking photo taken by Karsenty in Abu Dhabi 2 weeks ago?

Muzzled woman in Abu Dhabi
Photo by Philippe Karsenty
Is muzzling a sign of respect? The very barbarity of this device is stunning; its meaning is clear, and it has not one thing to do with respect for women.
Philippe Karsenty’s entire AFA talk is here: Two Kinds of Fatwas, Two Kinds of Jihad.
As Dietrich Bonhoeffer wrote, “Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.”
The more courage it takes to speak and to act, the more important it is. And Philippe Karsenty is one with the courage to speak out and act against this evil.