About Us
Mission Statement
The American Freedom Alliance is a non-partisan, non-profit organization which promotes, defends and upholds Western values and ideals. AFA sponsors conferences, publishes opinions, distributes information and creates networking groups to identify threats to Western civilization and to motivate, educate and unite citizens in support of that cause.
The American Freedom Alliance aims to build an international coalition of citizens of the West which involves writers, academic thinkers, and citizens from all around the world, who will join together through seminars, conferences, publications and activist networks, to promote and protect moral values, democracy and freedom.
Statement of Purpose
It is affirmed that modern civil society thrives on freedom of religion and the freedom of choice. Without these freedoms the human personality and its potential for goodness, creativity and altruism are stifled. To the extent that these freedoms are denied, the opportunities for oppression, coercion, and totalitarianism are mutiplied exponentially.
Board of Directors
- Karen Siegemund, PhD, President
- Geoffrey Mark, Vice President
- John Hancock, Treasurer
- Peter Mcilvenna, Secretary
- Gary Aminoff, Chairman of the Board
- Dr. Robert Hamilton, Chairman Emeritus
Executive Committee
- Karen Siegemund, PhD, President
- Geoffrey Mark, Vice President
- John Hancock, Treasurer
- Peter Mcilvenna, Secretary
- Gary Aminoff, Chairman of the Board
Board of Advisors
- Frank Gaffney
- Stephen Coughlin
- Stephen K. Bannon
In Memoriam – Founder and President
Adrian “Avi” Davis
Advancing the Values and Ideals of Western Civilization
Annual Lecture Series
The AFA Annual Lecture Series provides the public with an opportunity to hear world famous writers, academics and leaders addressing issues of concern to the future of Western civilization. The series is often run in cooperation with other like minded organizations and presented at universities, public libraries, cultural centers and other locations of public gathering.
All events are open to the public except where noted on the event web page or mini website. Each lecture is recorded and available to the public on our YouTube channel.
Literary Café
The Literary Café is a monthly meeting of opinion makers and taste makers in Southern California who join together to discuss an debate a major work of non-fiction which addresses a threat to Western civilization. Each meeting will feature an appearance by the author or a surrogate who is closely associated with the work or its theme. The gatherings take place at exclusive homes and are limited to 30 participants. Each event features a discussion either with the author or with a specialized expert in a chosen field.
Cinema Gateway
The Cinema Gateway is a film series which offers screenings and premieres of films relevant to the defense of western values and ideals. These films will offer rare insight into the problems the West faces from external threats and internal unpreparedness.
Conferences of the Air
AFA Conferences of the Air are offered monthly as a means of addressing subjects central to the survival of Western values and ideals without the expense and difficulty of bringing all the speakers together in the same room. These conferences, which at times have been known to host over 25 participating speakers, can range in length from 90 minutes to four hours. They can be accessed free of charge in real time or else in real time or reviewed at a listener’s leisure on this archived site. Biographies of all speakers are made available, often with links to their individual websites.
Western Word Radio
AFA Fellowship
The AFA Fellowship is a group of writers commited to the aims and objectives of the American Freedom Alliance who have joined together to promote the ideals and values of Western democracy and to identify threats to the continuity of Western civilization. The Fellows’ writings, documentaries, speeches and other public comments and appearances are tailored to present a united effort to advance the causes and positions of the American Freedom Alliance.