Dr. Rima Laibow: Globalists’ War on Sovereignty and Humanity

 In World War III Conference, WW3 conference videos

Dr. Rima’s talk at the AFA World War III: The Early Years Conference in Los Angeles on April 22 and 23 addressed a very different aspect of this war: the overall War Against Humanity being waged by Globalists, predominantly through  Big Pharma. 

In addition, her argument wasn’t that we were in the “Early Years” of World War III, but rather, the “Final” ones, due to the biological warfare that has been waged against us for some time.  The ties among various Globalist, trans-national and supra-national organizations and entities were drawn, as was the danger that they pose.  A key part of the war, and one that has been at least as stealthy, and destructive, as others we addressed.

Dr. Rima, as well as Frank Gaffney, has also been urging that the United States EXIT from the World Health Organization, and you can follow her work in this area here.  

Watch her video here:


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