Steve Bannon’s War Room: Pandemic

 In China, Defending Free Speech, Economic Freedom, Pandemic

In preparation for our INSIDE LOOK with Steve Bannon, we came across many links to articles, videos, podcasts that you should be aware of.

Some of these were sent to us by Bannon’s group, others we found elsewhere.

There is nobody as deeply embedded in what is happening in China vis-a-vis the Communist Party, Chinese dissidents, and recommending US foreign policy decisions to the extent that Steve Bannon is.

These only scrape the surface but are among the best sources of information on these topics that there is.  

About Steve Bannon:

The CCP targeted and targets him regularly because he is so effective in attacking them.

Washington Post China Correspondent Gerry Shih (@gerryshih) Tweeted:

Steve Bannon has no title in the administration but has CCP so shook CCTV dedicated a 90-second “Ruiping” to personally blast him–a distinction only Pompeo has received 

CCTV broadcast about Steve Bannon


The facts prove that the higher Bannon jumps, the more viciously he screams, the more he exposes America’s ineffectiveness in combating the pandemic. Bannon shows that certain American politicians are trying to “loot a burning house,” to gain political advantage through sinister plots. The COVID-19 pandemic is a naturally occurring disaster that knows no national borders. In combatting the pandemic, China and the US are on the same boat. Cooperation is the only correct option for both countries. The American People should see clearly that an extremist like Bannon would lead them amiss and would have them march to the wrong beat.  By following the likes of Bannon, America would lose even further control of the pandemic, and America would descend into chaos and crisis in the future.



Steve Bannon: A modern day demagogue



Here’s why Steve Bannon can’t be trusted



Commentary: Bannon, a bane to global pandemic fight


China Radio International: Steve Bannon Inginkan Kekacauan Dunia

[Steve Bannon Wants World Chaos]


VietTimes: Vì sao Đài Truyền hình Trung Quốc (CCTV) giận dữ chửi mắng ông Steve Bannon?

[Why did China Television (CCTV) angrily curse Mr. Steve Bannon?]




Washinton Post China Correspondent Gerry Shih (@gerryshih) Tweeted:

Steve Bannon has no title in the administration but has CCP so shook CCTV dedicated a 90-second “Ruiping” to personally blast him–a distinction only Pompeo has received


MEDIAITE: Chinese State Media Aims at Steve Bannon: ‘Most Stubborn of the Anti-Chinese People’



EXCLUSIVE: London School of Economics Analyst Pushes Chinese Communist Party Propaganda Attacking Steve Bannon for Demanding China Is Held Accountable


Beware the dragon, Mr Bannon!
Beijing is firing directly back at the former White House strategist through its news agencies is the Chinese Communist Party Targeting Steve Bannon? Because He’s Right About Them.

CCTV released a critical review: Steve Bannon blustering China lest the world not chaotic enough



China expert Jack Po-So-Bik (@JackPosobiec) Tweeted:

China is terrified of Bannon 



Tgcom24 (@MediasetTgcom24) Tweeted:
Coronavirus, media cinesi contro gli Usa: Pompeo e Bannon “una coppia di clown bugiardi”  #coronavirus 


Coronavirus, Chinese media against the USA: Pompeo and Bannon “a couple of lying clowns”
Tension is growing between the two countries. According to Beijing, the American argument that the pandemic originated in a Chinese laboratory is unfounded. And WHO points out: “There is no proof”04 May 2020 20:00
After calling the US hypothesis that the coronavirus escaped from a Chinese laboratory “crazy”, Beijing goes on a counterattack. The American secretary of state, Mike Pompeo, and the former White House strategist, Steve Bannon, ended up in the sights of the People’s Daily, the voice of the Chinese Communist Party: they are called “a couple of lying clowns”, while Bannon is also considered a “living fossil of the Cold War”.Bennon, during a talk show, said that China had committed a sort of “biological Chernobyl” against America, supporting the theory that the coronavirus would have originated at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, in line with the latest White House claims .Just a few days ago, the Chinese state television CCTV, confirming the growing tension between the first two economies on the planet, repeatedly denounced Pompeo calling him the “common enemy of humanity” and also accused of “spreading a political virus” for the his repeated claims that the pandemic originated in a Chinese laboratory.For Beijing, these are “unfounded” accusations. If Pompeo has the “enormous evidence” he spoke of, the state media wrote, “present in the world, especially to the Americans whom the administration continues to want to make fun of”. The truth is “that Pompey bluffed”.WHO experts have defined theories about a origin in a Chinese coronavirus laboratory as “speculation” and stressed that they have received no evidence in this regard from the United States.

Links to War Room: Pandemic and @WarRoomPandemic 
Steve started a very successfully rated radio show: War Room: Impeachment which in January became War Room: Pandemic – Monday – Friday 10 am – 12 noon.  
They have strong distribution partners which has allowed us to reach over tens of millions of views and over ten million downloads.  The show is growing aggressively throughout the globe, including in China, where it is broadcast through the firewall in Mandarin.  We also continue to expand with a Spanish language version, plus Portuguese for Brazil.  Distribution – people listen to the show on – on our websites, YouTube, Facebook, Periscope, Newmax TV, America’s Voice News (Dish Channel 219). John Fredericks Radio Network (multiple radio shows), Apple Podcast, Spotify, Stitcher, SoundCloud, Google Play, G-News – in Mandarin through the fire wall into China, GTV, Pluto TV and Roku. 
Weekly Specials
In addition – In April, he started a special series on Saturdays dedicated to the Chinese people and their struggle.   They are really inspirational specials with some brilliant guests.  
Special #1
April 11, 2020 
Descent into Hell, Life of the Chinese Under The CCP Pt.1 
Special #2
April 11, 2020
Descent into Hell, Life of the Chinese Under The CCP Pt. 2
Special #3
April 18, 2020
Descent into Hell, Xi and The Death Sentence of Wuhan Pt. 1
Special #4
April 18, 2020
Descent into Hell, Xi and The Death Sentence of Wuhan Pt. 2
Special #5
April 25, 2020
Descent Into Hell, The Chinese People Confront the CCP Pt. 1
Special #6
April 25, 2020 
Descent into Hell, The Chinese People Confront the CCP Pt. 2
Special #7
May 9, 2020
Descent Into Hell 4, The Chinese People: Voices of Defiance Pt. 1
Special #8
May 9, 2020
Descent Into Hell, The Chinese People: Voices of Defiance Pt. 2
Special #9
May 16, 2020
Descent into Hell 5, Tear Down This Firewall Pt. 1
Special #10
May 16, 2020
Descent into Hell 5, Tear Down This Firewall Pt. 2
Special #11
May 23, 2020
Descent into Hell 6, The Persecution of Religion Under the CCP Pt. 1
Special #12
May 23, 2020
Descent into Hell 6, The Persecution of Religion Under the CCP Pt. 2


Special #13
May 30, 2020
Descent into Hell 7, The Crisis in Hong Kong Pt.1 
Special #14
May 30, 2020
Descent into Hell 7, The Crisis in Hong Kong Pt.2
Special #15
June 13, 2020 
Descent into Hell 8, Mao’s Cultural Revolution
Special #16
June 13, 2020
Descent into Hell 9, CCP’s Great Firewall- Tear It Down! 
Special #17
June 18, 2020 
Pandemic Special: The CCP’s Information War Against America
Special #18
June 27, 2020
Rape of Hong Kong: Crimes of the CCP
Special #19
June 27, 2020
The CCP’s Crimes Against the Chinese People 





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  • Kent

    I am a big fan of the Bannon War Room Pandemic Podcast.. I like the cutting edge format, commentary, discussion, and reports. However, I’m frustrated by the audio. I’m borderline hard-of-hearing, but don’t need aids when listening to the internet. I usually have to ride the volume control to keep it even, but that’s worth the effort.

    Before I get to my specific problem, in a former life I did business with the Chinese mainland for six years and communicated with them every week, and traveled there often. I know communicating in person or electronically can be difficult because of the language differences, but not impossible, obviously, but it still takes a lot of concentration and patience. I always reminded myself that they were struggling to speak my language, not the other way around, so it was up to me to make the effort to understand them.

    My specific problem with the War Room has to do with the call-ins from your Chinese guests; the audio is usually out-of -sync loud, garbled, and generally unintelligible to my hearing, and the guests usually talk (VERY loud; Miles Guo), very fast (just like they normally do, but in English with the heavy Chinese accent) which just compounds the problem. It’s so bad I have to give up and skip it, hoping I can make sense of the comments afterward. I have to believe I’m not the only listener with this problem. The immediate solution would be to ask your Chinese guests to slow down when they spoke English.

  • "Thomas" Scott Payne (Mizelle)

    President Trump, ACLJ, and Should announce the opening of a Convention of States.

    Keep this open during the entire Biden Administration to deal with this administration.

    President Trump should be appointed by the states as the president of the convention.

    Trump with running the country from outside of Washington.

    Some items on the agenda:
    * Solidify the state legislative rule over election with an expanded capital police power advice to each state legislature for enforcing election laws by the state legislatures.

    Expand the national electoral college to a state electoral college (SEC) for all statewide federal elections, counties would not be sovereign. 13% of the counties can not pick our president. I’ve written a draft of this amendment.

    Majority of state legislature’s capable of vetoing or picking minority opinion on any supreme court ruling as it applies as a legal president.

    Transparent Manual Ballot Processes with secondary automated processes that do not replace manual transparent processes.

    9 Justice written into USC.

    Restrict impeachment by concurrence of 2/3 state legislatures.

    Formal organization of home guard (2nd Amendment) under the direction of the only elected leader of each county the sheriff. Sheriffs directed only by state and federal constitution remove politicians who violate these ruling documents via grand juries with home guard protection to citizens defending our founding documents. Home Guard made up of citizens from the entire county tasked with defending the polling stations.

    Many more ideas. All should further empower state legislative power over their states and Washington, DC.

    Consider a transition plan to dissolve and recreate the federal government. Moving Washington to the Panhandle of Texas where 3 more states join. Given a 100 year lease at which time the SEC college will reconvene to address new issues and return the new DC to a constitutional republic every 100 years.

    “Thomas” Scott Payne (Mizelle)

  • "Thomas" Scott Payne (Mizelle)

    Please remove personal contact information just intended for the administrators of this site in the prior post. Did not realize this was a public post and not an e-mail submission to the site.

    Thomas Scott Payne.

    • Karen Siegemund

      done, thank you .

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