Trevor Loudon: The CCP’s Elite Capture of Everything and Everybody

 In China, WWXi Conference

Trevor Loudon is one of the nation’s pre-eminent experts in the area of communism. He has researched radical left, Marxist and terrorist movements and their covert influence on mainstream politics for more than 30 years. His films, Enemies Within, and Enemies Within the Church, and his books, including The Enemies WithinWhite House Reds, and two-part Security Risk Senators, are vital resources. 

Trevor spoke at our World War III conference in Atlanta on May 15, and described how the Chinese Communists were behind efforts that successfully flipped states blue, as well as other long-term tactics and strategies to influence and capture our political system and ethos.  In particular he noted the connection of Black Lives Matter and the riots to the Chinese Communist Party, as well as how there are communist-backed voter registration efforts throughout the Southern states.

In addition to enumerating several of their successful means of corrupting our election system, Trevor also laid out a very clear suggestion for how to contend with the deep infiltration and CCP capture in order to regain control.

Watch his talk here:




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