Organizations and Resources related to K12 Education and Assessment

 In Academic Indoctrination, AFA News, Education, Uncategorized

It’s not really news to anybody that our education system has been hijacked by cultural Marxists/ the Left to advance their destructive agenda, and has been so for a long, long time.

Our Liberty Index initiative was motivated by exactly this, and seeks to provide a resource for parents and educators to find schools that are  aligned with their academic and philosophical aspirations.

During the course of our research, we’re finding a number of organizations also dedicated to addressing the damage from our schools and here is the list of those we’ve encountered.  We offer them here in no particular order.


Public School Exit:  Helping to Facilitate your Exodus from Public Schools

Bill of Rights Institute

Heritage Foundation has a number of education-specific initiatives.  Click here for more information

The American Textbook Council – assesses History Textbooks



Mary Grabar:  Debunking Howard Zinn:  Exposing the Fake History that Turned a Generation Against America

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