Truth Forum’s Conservatism 2020 Conference in Seoul

 In AFA Allies, Save Korea Foundation, South Korea

On August 14th, The Korean Conservative Youth Group “TRUTH FORUM” held a “CONSERVASTISM 2020” Conference in Seoul.


Truth Forum has been a great friend and ally to AFA, engaged in so many of the same fights as we are here in the US, against Leftist infiltration of the media, education and other arenas of political and cultural life.  And David Kim, president of Truth Forum, has also been a staunch supporter of AFA, and he and others connected to Truth Forum participated in our last year’s “Global Freedom Movements” conference.  (All videos here but note especially Jeesoo Hong, Daniel Cho and Peter Kim whose Save Korea Foundation was a sponsor of our conference.) 


In the spirit of cooperation and alliance between these two freedom and truth-advocating organizations, we sent a congratulatory message which was played at their conference.
In response, we received this video that thanked me, Gordon Chang, Lawrence Peck (to whom we owe this connection to the ROK conservative movement and whose speech at our conference is here); at the end of the video, they are chanting  “U.S.-ROK Alliance!  U.S.-ROK Alliance!”  (ROK = Republic of Korea)


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